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Subscribe to "The 7 Day Times"... The Seven Day Jesus e-mail Newsletter Where you'll find out the latest news with the band, contests, and updates from the band members... Just fill in your e-mail address in the box below and press the star. click here for a sample issue.
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*  T h e  7  D a y  T i m e s  *

May 7, 1998 - Welcome to -The 7 Day Times-  Issue #I (1)
*Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter*

   I look @ the tv---
    everybodys going crazy right in front of me---
     From the talk shows to the cop shows to the news---
      now i choose my poison with my own remote control---
       Theres no Control.... --- Seven Day Jesus
(feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!)

• The All American Rock Show Comes to a Close
• U2 Covers
• Updates From the Band
• Taping Live Shows
• Summer Plans
• The Interactive Part
• The Question o' The Issue
• Upcoming Tour Dates
'hola there & welcome to the first edition of "The 7 Day Times"... Please bear with me & be sure to send me your feedback on this so i can make it the spiffiest newsletter around :-) Thanx very much.
•*• The All American Rock Show Comes to a Close •*•

Heres what the coolest bass player around (7day's Russ Fox) had to say about the close of their tour with bleach. "We just rapped up the spring tour with Bleach in San Antonio, TX. It was a great tour and we'll really miss being out with them. We got to hear Bleaches new's so good!!!! Our van is currently stuck in San Antonio. The transmission was having serious problems and we had to catch a ride back to Nashville with Bleach. Chris Beaty is going back to TX next week to get it. Crazy, huh?"
•*• U2 Covers •*•

Seven Day Jesus has definately been up to some crazy stuff while out on tour with Bleach these past few months. They have been known to do a few U2 songs... heres what Russ had to say about that, "We have been doing a couple different U2 covers on occasion. They are "With or Without You" and "One". They sound pretty good."
•*•Updates From The Band •*•

This is the section where the band will leave some nice little message for your viewing enjoyment :o) Heres an update from Russ, "In the past 6 months we have completed a 3 month U.S. fall tour with Plankeye & Fold Zandura, a 2 month east coast/mid-west spring tour with Bleach, and lots of our own shows in between. Wow,lots of touring!!!!" Yes indeed, 7day has been tour crazy but that is cool for us but ya gotta remember to keep them & their familys in your prayers... be sure & try your bestest to come out to one of their lovely shows if you get the chance :-)
•*• Taping Live Shows •*•

7 Day has taped several of their live shows on the Bleach tour and may use some of the tracks for bonus songs on an ep or single. The band will keep me posted so I'll keep you posted!!!
•*• Summer Plans •*•

As for the summer, Russ tells me that they are planning to just play a bunch of their own shows and do tons of festivals. He continues on to say "It's totally up in the air right now, but we may go back out with Bleach and another band (we don't know who yet) in the fall for another tour. They're just so cool, we'd like to tour with them again!!! We'll see what happens."
•*• The Interactive Part •*•

This is a section that will be in every issue, I will post all your responses in the next issue I send out. This issue's question is, "If 7day did a cover for ANY song, what would you like to hear?" send your answer here:
•*• The Question o' the Issue •*•

This will be the hot lil' spot where you will have the chance to win a prize or somethin' gaurenteed to be cool. This Issue's Question is: "Which band member of 7 Day Jesus has toured with Audio Adrenaline & who'd they fill in for?" send your answer here:
•*• Upcoming Tour Dates •*•

Heres some nice little 7day shows dates, I'll be going to the ones with the 3*s around'em... hope to maybe see ya @ a show or 2 :o)

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

5/8/98 Nicholasville, KY - Southland Christian Church
5/9/98 Akron, OH - Club Underground
5/15/98 Mobile, AL - Government Street Baptist
5/16/98 Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw College
5/17/98 Lindale, GA - First Baptist Of Lindale
5/18/98 Fayetteville, GA
5/23/98 LaSalle, IL
5/28/98 Huntington, WV
5/30/98 ***Camp Hill, PA*** - ***Christ Community Church***
6/3/98 Chattanooga, TN - Chatt. Arena
6/13/98 Mobile, AL - Jammin Java
6/17/98 Orlando, FL - St. Luke Youth Camp
6/18/98 Charleston, SC
6/19/98 Atlanta, GA - Six Flags Over Georgia
6/20/98 Canal Fulton, OH - Alive Festival
6/24/98 ***Chester, MD*** - ***Jammin Java***
6/26/98 ***Mt Union, PA*** - ***Creation 98***
6/27/98 Charlotte, NC - Carrowinds
7/10/98 Sonshine Festival, - Sonshine Festival
7/17/98 Lincoln, NH - Festival
7/25/98 Seattle, WA - Creation Festival
7/26/98 Central Point, OR - Jackson County Fair
8/1/98 Monterey , CA - NW Fringe Stage
8/8/98 Wheaton, IL - World Festival
8/22/98 ***Lancaster, PA*** - ***Purple Door Festival***
8/27/98 ***Darien Lake, NY*** - ***Kingdom Bound***
8/29/98 ***Wildwood, NJ*** - ***Sand Box '98***
9/5/98 Bloomington , IN - Youth Fest '98/Monroe Co. Frgrds
-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•- ==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-== To Unsubscribe from "The 7 Day Times", please send an e-mail here: and put "unsubscribe me" in the subject & your email address in the body of the message. -- The Seven Day Site ==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==
T H E E N D !! (Or in the words of a great friend of mine... Late...)

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This site was Designed and is Maintained by Marcie Sweikert.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed here.
All Songs are Copyright © 1998 Seven Day Jesus™ All rights reserved.