Welcome to ~The 7 Day Times~ Issue #X (10) *Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ "I don't believe everyone watches but they'd never show, the pain that they're feeling, and sometimes, you just won't let go, we all need to see, you and me... Everybody Needs Love!" -- 'Everybody Needs Love' +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ (This issue's quote submitted by: Susan feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!!) Inside this Brand Spankin' New Issue: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ [ The SandBox Festival '98 In Review... More Alive Pictures... along with some New 'HangOut' Pictures... [ Contest Winners Announced!!! FONO Quits Tour, Mukala Joins... [ Big House Guitar Chords ! ! ! 7 Day Jesus / Bleach / Mukala Tour Dates [ Note The Change of Booking Info... Question O' The Issue [ NEW TOUR DATES up till Dec 31rst!!!! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * * * * Welcome to THIS edition of "The 7day Times", this newsletter is now being sent to nearly 1,000 of you awesome folks already so I wanted to take a sec. and thank all of you 'new subscribers' for signing up! Thanx!!!... and those of you who wish to unsubscribe, just send me an e-mail here: the7daytimes@hotmail.com and put "Unsubscribe Me" in the Subject line and I'll take care of it, enjoy! --- MΔrcieΡicτlette§we‘kert ( snappymarcie@hotmail.com ) ------------------------------- [ The SandBox Festival '98 In Review... ] ------------- * * * * Ok now, All of you folks who went to the SandBox Festival this past saturday (the 29th) and saw 7 day play already know that they seriously kicked it! Now, for those of you who didn't go... well, theres always next year :D Let me tell ya a bit about it... Ok, besides the fact that i called 7day's hotel at 9:30 in the morning and woke em up (boy did i feel bad about that one!) I even was blessed enough to get hooked up with a backstage pass from those fellows and therefore, I was allowed to take pictures right on the stage of them! These are going to be some amazing pictures so I'll be sure and keep ya posted on when they'll be scanned and in here :P Anyhoo, i thought the entire festival kicked it (along with the rest of the bands there like MayFair Laundry... boy did they rock the place!) Welch, if you have a review from this show or ANY other ones... feel free to send it here: the7daytimes@hotmail.com thanx... by the way, It was Brian's Bday recently.. u folks remember to e-mail em?? I sure hope so :) If notm here's their address: SDJmail@aol.com I got brian a HardRockCafe Shirt from Philadelphia... maybe we'll see him in a different shirt besides 'the prayer chain' one and the 'seattle' one eh? J/K!! .... thanx again and God Bless!!! -- marcie ------------------------------- [ More Alive Pictures... along with some New 'HangOut' Pictures... ] ------------- Heres a few pictures that arent linked from the website yet but i got em scanned... they are grouped by category below: ------- Creation Fest (East) '98 https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann7.jpg (the guys) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann11.jpg (brian/russ jump) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann12.jpg (kevin adkins) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann13.jpg (chris beaty) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann17.jpg (brian m) ------- 7 Day Hangin' Out: https://members.tripod.com/~sevenday/hanginout/ (odd photos) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann9.jpg (at tooth&nail) ------- Odd Pictures that Sarah Fox donated: https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann10.jpg (brian M) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann14.jpg (chris beaty) ------- Alive Festival Pictures Taken by Rivers4212@aol.com https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann18.jpg (chris) https://members.tripod.com/~sevendaysite/scann20.jpg (chris) (more to come of these!!! honest :) check the site for MORE Updates!! (http://come.to/7dayjesus) adios! ------------------------------- [ Contest Winner Announced!!! ] ------------- * * * Ok, heres the winners of the on-going contest that the website has been collecting entries for for about 2 months now... they are::: * Kevin Hall * * Ashley Nothum * * * Anna Whittenton ... and Dieus Ange (for being such a good sport she's gonna get a sheet of bumper stickers cause she rocks!! God Bless!) (*the above winners have been e-mailed already*) ------------------------------- [ FONO Quits Tour, Mukala Joins... ] ------------- Ok, Heres the Story one last time for those of you who werent paying attention before :D Fono will NOT be touring with 7day jesus and bleach this fall now because of all their record label changes recently, they used to be on Reunion Records, Now they're on Essential Records... long story! So... this means that the *new* band called "Mukala" will NOW be touring the 7day/bleach tour this fall, heres a clip of Mukala's Song "Soap" to be in stores Sept. 15th: http://www.essentialrecords.com/artists/mukala/soap.ram ------------------------------- [ Big House Guitar Chords ! ! ! ] ------------- These Chords were Transcribed by: Gorilawitz@aol.com enjoy: https://members.tripod.com/~sevenday/gtbighouse.htm ------------------------------- [ 7 Day Jesus / Bleach / Mukala Tour Dates for This Fall ] ------------- 9/15/98 Crawfordsville, IN - Woodland Heights - (765) 362-5284 9/19/98 Cannon Falls, MN - Cannon Falls City Park - (507) 263-3645 9/25/98 Tulsa, OK - Cornerstone Ch of the Rock - (918) 664-1110 9/26/98 Carthage, MO - Carl Lewis Stadium - (417) 358-8880 10/9/98 Albuquerque, NM - To Be Announced - To Be Announced 10/10/98 Whiteriver, AZ - To Be Announced - (520) 338-4911 11/7/98 Sterling, KS - Sterling Col./Culbertson Aud. (316) 278-4380 11/13/98 Louisville, KY - Shively Christian Church - (502) 447-3336 11/14/98 Muncie, IN - Woodland Heights - (765) 362-H1165284 (-- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 --) ------------------------------- [ Note The Change of Booking Info... ] ------------- Please make a note, For booking Seven Day Jesus call: 615-771-9996 .... or.... email for more info.: VEA1234@aol.com ------------------------------- [ Question O' The Issue ] ------------- Where (what state or city) was the Video For Butterfly Filmed?? Send me Your Answer here: the7daytimes@hotmail.com to win a prize! God Bless and have fun... bubye!!! --- marcie sweikert ------------------------------- [ NEW TOUR DATES up till Dec 31rst!!!! ] ------------- -- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -- 9/4/98 Grand Haven, MI - Grand Haven High School 9/5/98 Bloomington , IN - Youth Fest '98/Monroe Co. Frgrds 9/6/98 LaPorte, IN - First Church of God 9/10/98 Lakeland , FL - Southeastern College 9/11/98 Orlando , FL - Universal Studios 9/12/98 Anderson, IN - Smithstock '98 9/14/98 Merriville, IN - Assembly of God 9/15/98 Crawfordsville, IN - Woodland Heights 9/17/98 Enld, OK - TBA 9/19/98 Cannon Falls, MN - YouthFest '98 9/23/98 Midland, TX - TBA 9/25/98 Huntsville, AL - Big Spring Jam 9/26/98 Cathage, MO - Carl Lewis Stadium 9/27/98 McPherson, KS - Central College 9/28/98 Ft. Smith, AR - TBA 10/2/98 Adamsville, TN - Love and Truth Church 10/3/98 Carrolton, GA - W. GA State University 10/5/98 Edinburg, TX - Palmer Pavilion 10/8/98 Denver, CO - Youth Specialties Convention 10/9/98 Albuquerque, NM - TBA 10/10/98 Whiteriver, AZ - Memorial Hall 10/11/98 Lubbock, TX - Texas Tech University 10/15/98 Minneapolis, MN - The New Union 10/16/98 Danville, IL - Second Church of Christ 10/17/98 Columbus, OH - Westerville Christian Church 10/23/98 Bluefield, VA - Bluefield College 10/24/98 Durham, NC - Cresset Baptist Church 10/25/98 Goldsboro, NC - Pine Forest UofM Church 10/29/98 Hermitage, TN - New Hope Baptist Church 10/30/98 Gainesville, FL - First Assembly of God 10/31/98 Orlando , FL - Dr. Phillips High School 11/3/98 Bolling Springs, NC - Gardner Webb University 11/6/98 Dodge City, KS - TBA 11/7/98 Sterling, KS - Sterling College 11/8/98 Chlldress, TX - First Baptist Church 11/12/98 Sullivan, MO - TBA 11/13/98 Louisville, KY - Shively Christian Church 11/14/98 Muncie, IN - Woodland Heights 11/19/98 Nashville , TN - Youth Specialties Convention 11/20/98 Elgin, IL - Judson College 11/21/98 Monroe, NC - The Refuge 12/1/98 Atlanta, GA - Oglethorpe University 12/29/98 Lancaster, PA - The Worship 12/30/98 Columbus, OH - Valley Date 12/31/98 Lynchberg, VA - The Vines Center -- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -- ------------------------------- To Unsubscribe from "The 7 Day Times", please send an e-mail here: the7daytimes@hotmail.com and put "unsubscribe me" in the subject and your email address in the body of the message. thanx! ----------------------- https://members.tripod.com/~sevenday -- The Seven Day Jesus WebSite we are now linked from http://www.forefrontrecords.com !!!!!!!! ----------------------- For Back Issues of this Newsletter, go here: https://members.tripod.com/~sdjesus/the7daytimes.htm ----------------------- main page / sightsandsounds / tour dates / discography / the band the 7 day times / fun things / contests / the talk / feedback / pics |