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Issue #11 | New Big House Contest Brewing...

September 13, 1998
Welcome to ~The 7 Day Times~ Issue #XI (11)
*Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter*
"where do you hide the tears, you should be crying when,
i've fallen again and, where do you hide the tears,
that fell in the day i turned you away, you throw them away...
the sea of forgetfulness" -- 'Sea of Forgetfulness'
(This issue's quote submitted by: Alan feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!!)

Inside this September 12th Issue:
[ New Big House Contest Brewing...
• The Evergrowing Photo Gallery...
| The FONO / Mukala Story...
• New WebSite In The Works...
[ 7 Day Jesus / Bleach / Mukala Tour Dates
• Book 7 Day Jesus!
| Question O' The Issue
• NEW TOUR DATES up till Dec 31rst!!!!
[ Special Thanx to ! ! !
* * * * Welcome to THIS edition of "The 7day Times", this newsletter is now being sent to a TON of folks (nearly 1,000) and I just wanted to take a sec. to thank the lovely people at for giving this newsletter a FREE mailing list email account so I can send this to you guys for free!! Aint that great?!?! Give 'em a visit at: and also... thanx to all the new subscribers for signing up! let me know how ya like the newsletter... adios!
--- Marcie Nicolette Sweikert ( )
[ New Big House Contest Brewing... ]

Hey folks, just a little note to let you all know that a *NEW* Contest is in the works and the prizes will be stupendous(sp?)! Alittle bit of 7day, a little bit of Audio A... I promise you'll love it! :7) Stay tuned to this newletter for updates on it... tootles!
[ The Evergrowing Photo Gallery... ]
* * * * WooHoo, you want concert pictures??? Well, go to:
and see the AWESOME collection there... enjoy!
[ The FONO / Mukala Story... | FONO Quits Tour, Mukala Joins... ]
Ok, Heres the Story one last time for those of you who werent paying attention before :D Fono will NOT be touring with 7day jesus and bleach this fall now because of all their record label changes recently, they used to be on Reunion Records, Now they're on Essential Records... long story! So... this means that the *new* band called "Mukala" will NOW be touring the 7day/bleach tour this fall, heres a clip of Mukala's Song "Soap" to be in stores Sept. 15th:
[ New WebSite In The Works... ]

Stay Tuned to The 7 Day Jesus WebSite ( ) for the MAJOR update that is coming soon . . . by the way, if you're a fan of good music and would looove to see a very creative and unique website, get on over to and check out that band, I set up their website :D and I think it's groovy, let me know what you all think of it...ko? thanx SO much . . . God Bless!!
[ 7 Day Jesus / Bleach / Mukala Tour Dates for This Fall ]

9/15/98 Crawfordsville, IN - Woodland Heights - (765) 362-5284
9/19/98 Cannon Falls, MN - Cannon Falls City Park - (507) 263-3645
9/25/98 Tulsa, OK - Cornerstone Ch of the Rock - (918) 664-1110
9/26/98 Carthage, MO - Carl Lewis Stadium - (417) 358-8880
10/9/98 Albuquerque, NM - To Be Announced - To Be Announced
10/10/98 Whiteriver, AZ - To Be Announced - (520) 338-4911
11/7/98 Sterling, KS - Sterling Col./Culbertson Aud. (316) 278-4380
11/13/98 Louisville, KY - Shively Christian Church - (502) 447-3336
11/14/98 Muncie, IN - Woodland Heights - (765) 362-H1165284

(-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-)
[ Book 7 Day Jesus! ]

Please make a note, For booking Seven Day Jesus call: 615-771-9996
.... or.... email for more info.:
[ Question O' The Issue ]

thanx for all your responses to last issue's question of: "Where (what state or city) was the Video For Butterfly Filmed??" ... the winner was Jerry Morrison ... if you still want a chance to win something, this issue's question is: "Where do you hide the tears?" (hint: its in a song off the new 7dj cd) E-mail Your Answer to Me at This Address: for your chance to win a prize!
God Bless and have fun... bubye!!! --- marcie sweikert
[ NEW TOUR DATES up till Dec 31rst!!!! ]
-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

9/12/98 Anderson, IN - Smithstock '98
9/14/98 Merriville, IN - Assembly of God
9/15/98 Crawfordsville, IN - Woodland Heights
9/17/98 Enld, OK - TBA
9/19/98 Cannon Falls, MN - YouthFest '98
9/23/98 Midland, TX - TBA
9/25/98 Huntsville, AL - Big Spring Jam
9/26/98 Cathage, MO - Carl Lewis Stadium
9/27/98 McPherson, KS - Central College
9/28/98 Ft. Smith, AR - TBA
10/2/98 Adamsville, TN - Love and Truth Church
10/3/98 Carrolton, GA - W. GA State University
10/5/98 Edinburg, TX - Palmer Pavilion
10/8/98 Denver, CO - Youth Specialties Convention
10/9/98 Albuquerque, NM - TBA
10/10/98 Whiteriver, AZ - Memorial Hall
10/11/98 Lubbock, TX - Texas Tech University
10/15/98 Minneapolis, MN - The New Union
10/16/98 Danville, IL - Second Church of Christ
10/17/98 Columbus, OH - Westerville Christian Church
10/23/98 Bluefield, VA - Bluefield College
10/24/98 Durham, NC - Cresset Baptist Church
10/25/98 Goldsboro, NC - Pine Forest UofM Church
10/29/98 Hermitage, TN - New Hope Baptist Church
10/30/98 Gainesville, FL - First Assembly of God
10/31/98 Orlando , FL - Dr. Phillips High School
11/3/98 Bolling Springs, NC - Gardner Webb University
11/6/98 Dodge City, KS - TBA
11/7/98 Sterling, KS - Sterling College
11/8/98 Chlldress, TX - First Baptist Church
11/12/98 Sullivan, MO - TBA
11/13/98 Louisville, KY - Shively Christian Church
11/14/98 Muncie, IN - Woodland Heights
11/19/98 Nashville , TN - Youth Specialties Convention
11/20/98 Elgin, IL - Judson College
11/21/98 Monroe, NC - The Refuge
12/1/98 Atlanta, GA - Oglethorpe University
12/29/98 Lancaster, PA - The Worship
12/30/98 Columbus, OH - Valley Date
12/31/98 Lynchberg, VA - The Vines Center

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-
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This site was Designed and is Maintained by Marcie Sweikert.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed here.
All Songs are Copyright © 1998 Seven Day Jesus™ All rights reserved.