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*  T h e  7  D a y  T i m e s  *

May 20, 1998 - Welcome to -The 7 Day Times-  Issue #II (2)
*Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter*
     I'm gonna be who I am---
      God made me free, so it's ok---
       And I don't have to---
         prove anything to you.... --- Who I Am
(This issue's quote submitted by: Rachel Kerns... feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!)

• Audio Adrenaline's "Big House" Redone by 7 Day Jesus!
• Wes Simpkins in Huntington!
• The 7 Day Mystery Contest
• The Interactive Part
• The Question o' The Issue
• Upcoming Tour Dates
•*• Audio Adrenaline's "Big House" Redone by 7 Day Jesus! •*•

Forefront Records will be releasing a 10th anniversary cd sometime soon and it will be forefront artists doing covers of other forefront artists songs... Seven Day Jesus will be doing Audio Adrenaline's hit "Big House"... i wonder who'll do 7day?? Looks like we'll have to wait and see :-) I'll be sure & keep ya posted on when the cd is out.
•*• Wes Simpkins in Huntington! •*•

Yup, You read that right, Sarah Fox (Russ' lovely wife:) tells me that Seven Day is going to be playing in Huntington, West Virginia on Thursday, May 28. They are going to be playing an all ages show at The Drop Shop at 7pm. The local band "Bonus Mahoney" is going to be opening for them. Wes Simpkins, the old SDJ bass player, is the singer/guitar player in the band. So... for all you lovely people who came come out to that show... pleeze, bring a camera & take some pictures for me :-) hehehe.. seriously though, go & have a great time!
•*• The 7 Day Mystery Contest •*•

If YOU wanna enter "The 7 Day Mystery Contest"... go here: the rules are to try and figure out which song the selected sound file is, be sure and fill out the form for your chance to win a 7 Day Mystery Prize :) Good Luck!
•*• The Interactive Part •*•

heres what people had to say about the question in the last issue which was: "If 7day did a cover for ANY song, what would you like to hear?"... heres some of the responses I got:
Sean - "I'd like to hear their version of Audio Adrenaline's "Big House" recorded. They did it at the March 21st show in Clifton Park, NY, and I liked it more than the original."
mandee=) - "hmm...if they could do a cover for any song i would like them to do down with the ship. thats one of my fav. songs. but it's hard to pick one song cuz i love all of their songs..."
alycia - "if i could have SDJ play a cover, it would have to be something from Lenny Kravitz==their choice, they've got good taste."
*If you'd like your chance to answer the question of "If 7day did a cover for ANY song, what would you like to hear?", you still can and I will post your answer in the next issue, simply e-mail your answer here: Thanx!!
•*• The Question o' the Issue •*•

Congratulations to holly e o'brien for being the first person to correctly answer the question of "Which band member of 7 Day Jesus has toured with Audio Adrenaline & who'd they fill in for?" She received a 7 Day Jesus Bumper Stiker... thanx to all who entered... stay tuned for the next giveaway!
•*• Upcoming Tour Dates •*•

Heres some nice little 7day shows dates, I'll be going to the ones with the 3*s around'em... hope to maybe see ya @ a show or 2 :o)

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

5/23/98  LaSalle, IL
5/28/98  Huntington, WV
5/30/98  ***Camp Hill, PA*** - ***Christ Community Church***
6/3/98   Chattanooga, TN - Chatt. Arena
6/13/98  Mobile, AL - Jammin Java
6/17/98  Orlando, FL - St. Luke Youth Camp
6/18/98  Charleston, SC
6/19/98  Atlanta, GA - Six Flags Over Georgia
6/20/98  Canal Fulton, OH - Alive Festival
6/24/98  ***Chester, MD*** - ***Jammin Java***
6/26/98  ***Mt Union, PA*** - ***Creation 98***
6/27/98  Charlotte, NC - Carrowinds
7/10/98  Sonshine Festival,  - Sonshine Festival
7/17/98  Lincoln, NH - Festival
7/25/98  Seattle, WA - Creation Festival
7/26/98  Central Point, OR - Jackson County Fair
8/1/98   Monterey , CA - NW Fringe Stage
8/8/98   Wheaton, IL - World Festival
8/22/98  ***Lancaster, PA*** - ***Purple Door Festival***
8/27/98  ***Darien Lake, NY*** - ***Kingdom Bound***
8/29/98  ***Wildwood, NJ*** - ***Sand Box '98***
9/5/98   Bloomington , IN - Youth Fest '98/Monroe Co. Frgrds

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-
***One last thing, be sure and check out the new look of the 7 day site 'cause I'll be redoing it in the next day or so... God Bless!!
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This site was Designed and is Maintained by Marcie Sweikert.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed here.
All Songs are Copyright © 1998 Seven Day Jesus™ All rights reserved.