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issue 3

*  T h e  7  D a y  T i m e s  *

May 31, 1998 - Welcome to -The 7 Day Times-  Issue #III (3)
*Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter*
   "aparent darkness, but the sun still shines
    I just can't see it from my view.
     sometimes at midnight I forget it's there at all
      do You suppose I do the same with You.".... --- Flybye
(This issue's quote submitted by: Kyle J Isenhower
... feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!)

Inside this Spiffy Issue:

• The Mystery... To Tough for ya?
• Reviews, Reviews, and more Reviews...
• The Interactive Part
• The Question o' The Issue
• Upcoming Tour Dates
Let me start this issue out by tellin you all that there are now over 100 subscribers to this newsletter!!! give yourselves a hand, this newsletter is only a few weeks old and already it rocks! Imagine what it'll be like in a month or so :) thanx for all your support & God Bless!! -- marcie the crazy webchick
•*• The Mystery... To Tough for ya? •*•

Alot of people have been tellling me that "The 7 Day Mysery Contest is too hard for them so I've decided to give you guys a hint... here it is... Its not from "The Hunger" or from "Seven Day Jesus".... Its a sound clip taken from their untitled 5 minute walk release... go here: ...............thats all i can tell ya... welp - Good Luck - :-)
•*• Reviews, Reviews, and more Reviews... •*•

If you have any cd or concert reviews of 7 day you'd like me to put in the next issue or put in the website, just let me know, heres one (just to get ya started :) that i wrote back in january... enjoy... tank you!
Submitted by: Marcie Sweikert
Reviewed: January 16th '98
Where: Chester, Maryland @ the jammin’ java coffeehouse
The Seven Day Jesus concert I went to was in Chester, Maryland @ the jammin’ java coffeehouse on January, 16th ’98. The atmosphere @ this place was amazing... the lights were dim and the coffee was hot :-) It was a 2 hour drive from where I live (in NJ) but it was well worth it (plus I’ve driven 11 hours for a concert before so this was nothing :) Well, we got there about 8:15 and I thought I wasn’t gonna get a seat anywhere but then I decided to go sit on the floor in the front right next to the speakers. They came on and started out with "Always Comes Around" which was an awesome choice to start with might I add. Next they did "Strength", then their latest single (which they have a new video coming out for) "Butterfly", then they did "You are the one". Then they stopped and Brian McSweeney told the meaning of "Seven Day Jesus"... After that was "My Friend" (everyone in the bands favorite song... except for Russ Fox that is :) his favorite is a more rockier little ditty... its "Down With The Ship" but right before that, they did the snazzy and oh so cute little song "Everybody Needs Love" which Chris Beaty was supposed to play the acoustic guitar for but there was something wrong with the connections in the sound equipment or something so he just kinda let Brian McSweeney do the whole thing by himself and he stood over to the side but since I was right in the absolute front... I heard him so it didn’t really bother me that much :) I did then notice how much he gets into his music and how much he worships God so much through it! Next they did a song that Chris Beaty said almost made it onto the ‘titanic’ soundtrack (keep in mind he said that in quite a sarcastic tone :-) they did "Down With The Ship" which just so happens to be my buddy Russ’s favorite song on the c :) they did an excellent job on it by the way. Next was a more older little tune called "FlyBye". for those of you out there who have never heard this song or bought their cd ‘the hunger’ that was released on 5 minutewalk records, you dont know what you’re missing! It is my fav. Song on that cd... by the way... my favorite songs on their new cd are "Down with the Ship", "End of my Rope", and "Everybody Needs Love"...anyhoo, back to the concert... next was a song that was released on their tour cd single for "Butterfly" along with some spiffy sound bites, this song is called "Who I Am" and it just plain ROCKS! The entire band sufficiently rocked that night.. kinda like they do EVERY night :) Welp... next was the last song of the night :-( it was "Ashamed" which is also on their cd ‘the hunger’... they did an awesome job... the acoustics sounded great by the way :) All in all, I had an awesome time @ that night (if you hadnt guessed that by now :) If you wanna help Seven Day Jesus during their upcoming tours, be sure to keep ‘em in your prayers.thanx! God Bless!! --- marcie S.
•*• The Interactive Part •*•

heres what people had to say about the question in the last issue which was: "If 7day did a cover for ANY song, what would you like to hear?"... heres some more of the responses I got:
*Chelsea - I'd like to hear Seven Day do a cover of Plumb's Concrete...I wonder what it would sound like..?
*If you'd like YOUR chance to answer the question of "If 7day did a cover for ANY song, what would you like to hear?", you still can and I will post your answer in the next issue, simply e-mail your answer here: Thanx!!
•*• The Question o' the Issue •*•

alrighty.... I know your eager to hear this issue's question so here goes: "Where was Seven Day's first concert and what event was it for?" (for a hint, the answer can be found somewhere in my website :) send your answers here: thanx!
•*• Upcoming Tour Dates •*•
-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

6/3/98 Chattanooga, TN - Chatt. Arena
6/13/98 Mobile, AL - Jammin Java
6/17/98 Orlando, FL - St. Luke Youth Camp
6/18/98 Charleston, SC
6/19/98 Atlanta, GA - Six Flags Over Georgia
6/20/98 Canal Fulton, OH - Alive Festival
6/24/98 ***Chester, MD*** - ***Jammin Java***
6/26/98 ***Mt Union, PA*** - ***Creation 98***
6/27/98 Charlotte, NC - Carrowinds
7/10/98 Sonshine Festival, - Sonshine Festival
7/17/98 Lincoln, NH - Festival
7/25/98 Seattle, WA - Creation Festival
7/26/98 Central Point, OR - Jackson County Fair
8/1/98 Monterey , CA - NW Fringe Stage
8/8/98 Wheaton, IL - World Festival
8/22/98 ***Lancaster, PA*** - ***Purple Door Festival***
8/27/98 ***Darien Lake, NY*** - ***Kingdom Bound***
8/29/98 ***Wildwood, NJ*** - ***Sand Box '98***
9/5/98 Bloomington , IN - Youth Fest '98/Monroe Co. Frgrds

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

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^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ -- The Seven Day Site
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T H E E N D !! (Or in the words of a great friend of mine... Late...)

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This site was Designed and is Maintained by Marcie Sweikert.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed here.
All Songs are Copyright © 1998 Seven Day Jesus™ All rights reserved.