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issue 6

*  T h e  7  D a y  T i m e s  *

July 1, 1998
Welcome to ~The 7 Day Times~ Issue #VI (6)
*Your Friendly Neighboorhood Seven Day Jesus E-mail Newsletter*
"where do you hide the tears, you should be crying when...
i've fallen again and, where do you hide the tears...
that fell in the day, i turned you away, you throw them away...
the sea of forgetfulness".... --- 'Sea of Forgetfulness'
(This issue's quote submitted by: Me! (Marcie Sweikert :) feel free to submit your favorite 7day quote for an upcoming issue!!)

Inside this lovely Issue:
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ is linkin' to me!
• "Creation Fest '98" and "Alive'98" Pictures
• TEN: The Forefront Birthday Album
• Quotes...
• Live Chat w/ 7 Day Jesus...
• Booking Info.
• Tour this fall w/ Bleach and FONO
• The Interactive Part
• Upcoming Tour Dates
: : : - ~•*•~ is linkin' to me! ~•*•~ - : : :

Woohoo!! The lovely label forefrontrecords has graciously decided to link to my meger little 7 Day Jesus website as their official one :-D soooo... this means that very soon (possibly by friday) if you go to then go to 7 Day Jesus' part of their site, you'll find a website button that'll bring ya to my site.. groovy aint it? welpers.. thanx to all of you great people (especially dan & mark!!) who have helpedspread the word about my site... and thanx to the 250+ subscribers to this newsletter.. it wouldnt be possible w/out ya!! ya rock! --- marcie
: : : - ~•*•~ "Creation '98" and "Alive'98" Pictures ~•*•~ - : : :

I went to the Creation Festival this past week and it absolutely rocked!! If anyone else went, then you already know how much 7day's performance of "One" by U2 kicked! and how much they just all around rocked... you also know how the thunder storm ALMOST stopped the show but didnt quite because God rocks! Anyhoo, i got like 2 rolls of awesome pictures that will be in the site as soon as i develop and scann 'em... Also, my good friends Tony and Candice went to the Alive '98 Show that 7day played @.. to see some pictures from that show, go here: thanx!
: : : - ~•*•~ TEN: The Forefront Birthday Album - ~•*•~: : :

Seven Day Jesus has a song that I've seen them do in concert a few times already that will be out on the new forefront records release out this fall simply called "Ten: The Birthday Album" The song was originally done by Audio Adrenalinen and is called "Big House" (you may have heard of it before :) "TEN" is a project that has 29 new songs from artists like, Seven Day Jesus, Kevin Max (of dctalk), Geoff Moore and The Distance, Considering Lily, Grammatrain, Bleach, Rebecca St. James, and a new band called The Normals. it is sure to kick.. sound clips will be up in the website soon for 7day's funky lil' rendition of "Big House"... stay tuned!
: : : - ~•*•~ Quotes... - ~•*•~: : :

just a little note to all those who have submitted 7day quotes for the newsletter to use, if i havent used your quote yet, or you have one you wanna send me, send it again to this address: ...............................thanx!!!
: : : - •*• Live Chat w/ 7 Day Jesus... •*• - : : :

Coming Real Soon to The Seven Day Chat Room ( )... I'll keep ya posted on this! -- ciao --
: : : - •*• Booking Info. •*• - : : :

Heres another chance for you to book 7day Jesus if your chuch has ever considered booking 7day for a concert or whatnot, heres your chance! For more booking Info., Contact their booking agent Jeff at VanGuard Entertainment, e-mail him: or give him a call at: (615)-242-1234 you rock! ............................. thanx!!
: : : - •*• Tour this fall w/ Bleach and FONO •*• - : : :

Some of you already know this but this fall, Seven Day Jesus will be touring with 2 very spiffy bands... Bleach and FONO, be sure and check out these sound clips for both bands below: (they are in real audio (- -) unless noted with a * (that means its a wav or au file :) have fun!!
:::F O N O S O U N D C L I P S:::

FONO - Something Must Be Happening:
real audio file
FONO - Collide:
real audio file
** WAV file
FONO - Now She's 24:
real audio file
:::B L E A C H S O U N D C L I P S:::

BLEACH - Static:
real audio file
or... *
AU file
BLEACH - Super Good Feeling:
real audio file
or... *
AU file
BLEACH - Rundown Town:
real audio file
or... *
AU file
BLEACH - Land of the Lost:
real audio file
or... *
AU file
BLEACH - Hurricane:
real audio file

        * * * more to come in the next issue * * *
((((Tell me if any of these don't work right.. thanx!!!))))
: : : - •*• The Interactive Part •*• - : : :

I'm working on a new question for this section... stay tuned!
: : : - •*• Upcoming Tour Dates •*• - : : :

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-

7/10/98 Sonshine Festival, - Sonshine Festival
7/17/98 Lincoln, NH - Festival
7/25/98 Seattle, WA - Creation Festival
7/26/98 Central Point, OR - Jackson County Fair
8/1/98 Monterey , CA - NW Fringe Stage
8/8/98 Wheaton, IL - World Festival
8/22/98 ***Lancaster, PA*** - ***Purple Door Festival***
8/27/98 ***Darien Lake, NY*** - ***Kingdom Bound***
8/29/98 ***Wildwood, NJ*** - ***Sand Box '98***
9/5/98 Bloomington , IN - Youth Fest '98/Monroe Co. Frgrds
9/12/98 Anderson, IN - Smithstock '98
9/19/98 Cannon Falls, MN - YouthFest '98
9/25/98 Huntsville, AL - Big Spring Jam
10/3/98 Carrolton, GA - W. GA State University

-•- for more info. on ANY of these shows, call: (615) 771-9996 -•-
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          T   H   E             E   N   D   !!
(Or in the words of a great friend of mine... Late...)

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This site was Designed and is Maintained by Marcie Sweikert.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed here.
All Songs are Copyright © 1998 Seven Day Jesus™ All rights reserved.