"Alycia Wright"
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Why... : because their songs are so true to life, because their sound is high
     quality, cause they put up with my "sevenday fanaticism", i suppose i'll end it
     there, unless u'd like me 2 go on




The runners up who all will receive 7 Day Jesus bumper stickers are...

1) Leah

        Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : I LOVE SEVEN DAY JESUS
        Why... : would be longer, but won't let me --  OKAY- they don't look at you as an
        audience..they see you as peers who need JEsuslike they do..theyjustwannabe
        friends..they are so REAL--




2) Davy Nixon
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : Yes
     Why... : bacause they rock.....for Jesus




3) Jon
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : Yep!
     Why... : Their first album is really cool.  Haven't heard their whole new one
     yet...  I like the content.




4) Emily Nunnemaker
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : YES!!!
     Why... : Now a days...it's almost impossible to find a band that is so dedicated
     to spreading the word of God and who isn't afraid to be different...they send a
     positive message to todays youth... which is me.




5) Lynsey Delane
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
     Why... : because they are the best!! they have so much talent and they are so
     down to earth. and they are great examples to people like me of how to serve God
     and love others!!! i love them!!




6) Amanda Brag
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : Of course, who doesnt?
     Why... : they are awsome Christians, and great musicians




7) Nick
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : No, I love them!!!!
     Why... : Great musicians with a message and a mission




8) Toonces the Driving Cat
     Do_you_like_Seven_Day_Jesus... : of course 
     Why... : because Chris Beaty is such a nice boy!!!